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Cold Recruiting Email Templates for Recruiters in 2024

What Have We Covered?

Indeed, communication is a key element for recruiters to provide a positive candidate experience to every candidate in the talent pipeline. So, they implement various techniques such as email marketing campaigns and cold email outreach to connect with the candidates. According to Recruiting Trends Report by Findem, 49% of talent teams plan to increase passive outreach in 2022. 

However, recruiters struggle to increase open rates when applicants are not actively seeking a job. On average, less than 10% of cold emails ever get a reply. So, here we have created recruiting email templates that will help recruit teams to boost response rate by 40-50% and bring phenomenal results. In this, we share an extensive range of cold recruiting email templates, from streamlining the sourcing and sending job offers to rejecting candidates' email templates. So, let’s get started. 

How to Write a Cold Recruiting Email?

Indeed, writing effective cold recruiting emails is an effective strategy for recruitment marketing. In order to write high-performing cold email templates that get the highest open rate is part of creative writing that follows a logical sequence and easy language. By combining these aspects, one can generate mass email campaigns that efficiently drive higher engagement. The following are the aspects recruiters must consider while writing recruiting emails to candidates. 

1. Personalisation

It is not a good idea to blindly copy the recruiting email template and send them to the candidates, as it will sound monotonous, and you will not get a good response rate from it. Templates build a great starting point; hence it is crucial to make them personalised. Recruiters must remember that their job is to provide the best candidates' experience. The email template should make them feel you are investing in their career success. 

Recruiters can utilise Applicant Tracking System to record and organise personal information from cover letters, reference letters, and notes from previous conversations you had with the candidates. Additionally, using AI email generators can aid in crafting customized and engaging messages, ensuring a thoughtful and efficient communication process that resonates positively with potential candidates.

One can use these recruitment tools to manage candidate database resources and draft a personalised email to send the candidates. It will let them know that you have accomplished your research and are invested in them as a future employee.  

2. Subject line

Emails With Personalised Subject Lines

A study by Finance Online indicates that 64% make a decision to open emails based on subject lines. Hence, one should not undermine the importance of a catchy subject line that increases the open rate. A good subject line contains A great subject line which is likely to be opened is short, descriptive, and actionable. 

Also, 41% of today’s emails are opened on mobile devices, so it’s crucial to draft crispy subject lines. Smartphones just display five to six words in subject lines. Hence, recruiters must ensure that it is short and convey the key purpose. An efficient way to measure the effectiveness of the subject lines is by doing A/B testing. Send distinct subject lines to two groups and analyse the performance. It will help you interpret your audience’s behaviour in a better way. 

3. Keep it short

Email Open Rate

The key to writing successful cold recruiting emails is to be as concise as possible. 

The recruiter may want to provide a lot of descriptive information in the cold email template. However, the recipients might not have the time for all of it. So, the solution is straightforward, which is to create an email draft which is short, descriptive, and action-driven. Provide the information that is relevant to your prospects. 

Cold Recruiting Email Templates for Recruiters that Wins Candidates

A lot of emails are competing to get the attention of the candidate. Hence it must be written in the short and engaging language. Explore the following list of recruiting email templates for recruiters that will get opened and clicked. 

1. Cold Recruiting Email Template for Sourcing 

Templates for Introduction

Email subject line: [Candidate’s_first_name], interested in joining the great team at [Client /Company name].  

Hello, [Candidate’s_first_name]; I hope you are doing well. 

I am [Your_name], and I work as an agency recruiter at [Your_company_name]. I have come across your profile on [Platform / Job board / Website], and I was truly impressed by your experience in [Specific expertise or achievement that caught your attention].

At [Client_company_name], they are continuously looking for [e.g. grow or teams with talented people and accomplish amazing things together].  

[Be detailed if you’re hiring for specific information about the role / [Include specific information about the position or company]. Currently, I am looking for a [Job_title] to join the team. I would love to share more about this position and learn a few things about you as well]. 

Let me know if you’re interested; it would be awesome to connect! I would like to talk to you so I can get to know you better and introduce our company to you.  

I hope you have a great day! 


[Your name] [Signature]

Templates for Keeping Candidates Engaged

Email subject line: [Candidate_first_name], here’s an update on your application at [Client_company_name]. 

Hello [Candidate_first_name],

Hope you are doing well. 

Thank you for your interest in the [Job_title] position at [Client_company_name]. Our team really enjoyed getting to know you.

Our next step is to assess all the applicants. So, please allow up to [Mention the number of days/timeline] for us to contact back to you.  

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via email or call us at [phone number]. 

Have a great day! 

All the best,  

[Your_name] [Signature]

Passive Candidate Email

Email subject line: [Client_company_name] wants talented individuals just like you!

Hi [Candidate_first_name],

I hope this email finds you well.

I happened to come across your profile on[e.g. LinkedIn or GitHub] about [work achievement/job profile/] and was engraved by your [Expertise with specific skills et work].  

Currently, we are looking for a [Job_title – add a link to the job description] to join our great team. 

I know [Candidate’s_present_company] is a fantastic place to work, and I also know that right now, you aren’t actively looking for a new opportunity. However, if you’re open to knowing more about [Client_company _name] and our open position, I think you’ll be impressed with what we have to offer.

I’d love to tell you a little more about this role and learn a few things about you, as well. Are you available [include date and time or a period, e.g. ‘sometime this week’]? If so, I’d be happy to set up a call and connect with you. I’m also happy to coordinate via email or LinkedIn if you prefer.

I hope you have a great day. 

Thank you,

[Your name] [Signature]

Templates for Old Candidates in Your Database

Email subject line: [Candidate_first_name], interested in a new job opportunity with [Client_company_name]? 

Dear [Candidate_first-name],

I am [Your_name] from [Company_name], and your profile stood out from your last application with us! However, we decided to go forward with another candidate for the [Job_title] position; your experience and skillset really exceptional, and we kept you in mind for future openings.  

[Mention the specific things you liked about the applicant, e.g. strong portfolio, positive interview experience or a great approach to a previous assignment.] We have an opening for a [Job_title], and we believe your skills and expertise are an excellent match for this role. 

Would you be available for a quick call [mention time frame] to discuss our new position?  

Warm regards,  

[Your_name] [Signature]. 

Keeping candidates warm

Email subject line: Your application at [Company_name] for the [Job_title] / Update on the [Job_title] position. 

Dear [Candidate_first-name],  

I hope you are doing well. I wanted to check in and update you about the status of your application for the [Job_title] position.

Currently, [Hiring manager_Name] is reviewing all applications, and we’re expecting to schedule interviews by the end of the following week. 

I will get back to you as soon as I have any updates.  In the meantime, kindly don’t hesitate to reach me via email or at [e.g. 1-444-555-2222] if you have any questions.  

Kind regards,  

[Your name] [Signature]. 

2. Cold Recruiting Email Template for Employee Referral Campaigns

Employee referrals email template

Email subject line: [Open Role] Opportunity — Referred to You by [Contact’s Name].   

Hello [First Name], [Contact’s Name] gave me your email address — we [Explain how you know the contact]. 

They speak very highly of you and your experience.  I work for [Company’s Name], and we’re in the market for a [Job Title]. [Contact’s Name] recommended you for the job, and I think you’d be a perfect fit. 

I’d love to know more about you and tell you about the open role. Will you be available for a quick phone call [Date/Time]?  

I look forward to connecting with you. 

Best regards,

[Your Name][Your Email Signature].

Refer a friend for a job email

Email subject line:  We’re hiring! / Refer your friend to work with us!

Hi everyone, As you know, here at [Company_name], we are always looking to expand and grow our teams with talented individuals just like you.

Let us know about people who would be a good fit here. In order to make this process easier for all, please refer your friend by answering the following questions:

  1. What is the name of the person you want to refer, and how do you know them? 

  2. For which role(s) will this person is suitable?

  3. The main scope of expertise and most significant skills. 

  4. Mention one or two qualities that make your friend a good coworker.

  5. Why do you think this person would be a suitable fit for our company?

Don’t forget to attach your friend’s contact details and resume to the email and leave the next steps to us.

Also, keep in note that if we end up hiring the friend/connection you’ll refer to us, you’ll be eligible for one additional PTO day as a bonus.

Please regularly check our careers page [add link] for new openings, and If you have any questions, please contact [Person’s name and contact details, e.g. recruiter’s name with a link to their email]. 

Thank you!  

[Your name] [Signature]

Employee referral bonus program announcement email

Indeed, effective employee referral programs are created to motivate workers to suggest the names of qualified candidates. Your referral bonus program announcement email must include the following:

Email subject line:  We are hiring! Can you help? / Help us grow!

Hi everyone,  

As you all know, here at [Company_name], we continuously seek to grow our teams with talented people. Therefore, we are excited to announce our Employee Referral Bonus Program. 

Refer qualified prospects, and as a “thank you,” we will offer you [add specific rewards for referrers, e.g. “a discount for X”, “$ X bonus per hire”, or “ an additional PTO day.”] You just need to [add particular parameters about the referral program], In order to be eligible for the referral bonus. 

Let us know about the potential candidates you know who you think would be a good fit for our firm. [Be clear about the employee referral process.]

Don’t hesitate to contact [Recruiter’s name with a link to their email]For more details about the employee referral bonus program, . Also, check our careers site [add link] regularly for new openings.  

Thank you, 

[Your name] [Signature]

Employee referral program sample email for internal recruitment

Email subject line: Do you know a skilled [Job title]?

Hi everyone,

We are enthusiastic to inform you all that we are presently looking for a [Job Title] to work with our [ X team / Y department]!

The person will be responsible for [Include 2-3 daily key tasks] [It would be a good idea to add some top needs for the position]. it would be amazing if you could refer suitable candidates. 

Thank you! 

[Your name] [Signature]

3. Cold Recruiting Email Templates for Job Interviews 

Job interview

Interview Scheduling Email

Email subject line: Invitation to a video interview with [Company_name] for the [Job_title] position

Dear [Candidate_first_name],  

Thank you for applying for the position of [Job_title] at [Client_company_name].  

I am [Your_name], working as a recruiter at [Your_company]. I have evaluated your application, and it stood out to us. So, we would like to invite you for an interview at our office[s] to learn more about you. 

You will meet with the [Department-manager & Department_name]. The interview will last about [X] minutes, and you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the [Job_title] position and explore more about our company. [If applicable: Insert information about what the candidate might need to bring with them, e.g. resume or portfolio, ID to pass from the security/reception.]

Would you be available on [date and time – or range of dates/times]?

Looking forward to hearing from you,  All the best.  

Best regards, 

[Your name] [Signature]. 

Interview Availability Email

Email subject line: Would you be available for an interview with [Client_company_name] on [date & time]? 

Dear [Candidate_first_name], 

Thank you for applying to [Company_name]. This is [Your_name] from [Your_company]. Your application for the [Job_title] was quite impressive, and we want to invite you for an interview [at our offices / via phone / via Skype] to discuss the role and get to know you a bit better.   

You will meet with the [Head of the department], and the interview will last about [X] minutes, and you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the [Job_title] position and explore better about the firm. 

Kindly let me know which of the following options you would prefer. I will send you a calendar invitation once I receive your reply. 

[Tuesday, 06/02/2024, 05:00 p.m.] 

[Thursday, 08/2/2024, 11:30 a.m.]

[Saturday, 10/2/2024, 02:30 p.m.]

Let us know If none of these time slots works for you, and kindly let me know of your availability next week so that we can find a convenient time.

Looking forward to hearing from you,  All the best!  

Best regards,  

[Your name] [Signature]. 

Interview Reminder Email

Email subject line: Have you received the calendar invite for your interview with [Client_company_name] today?

Dear [Candidate_first_name], I hope you are doing well. 

We’re just checking in to remind you that your interviewer. We are looking forward to meeting you [tomorrow] – as we agreed, [the recruiter/ hiring manager’s name] will welcome you at [time] in our office promises.

Kindly ensure to carry your ID with you, as the security guard will ask for it upon your entry. Kindly feel free to call me at 1-444-555-2222 if you require any further information. 


[Your name] [Email signature]

Interview No-Show Email

Email subject line: [Candidate_first_name], you had an interview with [Client_company_name] today. 

Dear [Candidate_first_name], 

I hope everything is fine and you’re doing okay.

We’d like to inform you that you had an interview scheduled with [Client_company_name] today at [Time]. Since you haven’t shown up, I wondered if you’re still interested in the [Job_title] role. 

I am ready to reschedule your interview for some other day and time if you’re still interested in it. If not, let me know, and I’ll remove your data from our candidate database.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.  

Thank you,  

[Your_name] [Signature]. 

Manage interviews with iSmartRecruit

Asking Job Interview Feedback Email

Email subject line: [Candidate_first_name], could you help us with this survey?

Hi [Candidate_first_name], 

I am contacting you to ask for your valuable feedback on the [Client_company_name] interview process.

Since a positive candidate experience is an ultimate priority for us, your feedback would be of great value. There are a few very short questions in the survey which will not take more than 5 minutes for you to answer.

Here is the link to the survey. 

I truly appreciate any help you can provide.  

Thank you,  

[Your_name] [Signature]

Second Interview Confirmation Email

Email subject line:  Greetings from [Client_company_name]. You’ve been selected for the second interview round!  

Dear [Candidate_first_name], 

Afterwards your last interview round, we were very impressed with your skill set of relevant work experience. So, I am happy to invite you for the second interview round!

We would like to discuss things further and want to understand if you’re the best fit for [Client_company_name]. The interview shouldn’t take more than [X_minutes] and will be led by [Name_of_interviewer,& position_at_company].  

Note: Don’t forget to add the following details. 

  • When: [Please, mention the date and time]

  • Where: [full address] – if necessary, kindly include a link with the specific location on the map and/or the directions]

  • Who: [name and job title of the interviewer]

I look forward to meeting you and discussing this job opportunity at [Company_name].  

All the very best.  

Kind regards, 

[Your name] [Signature]

Interview Cancellation Email

Email subject line:  [Candidate_first_name], we are sorry to inform you that your interview for the [Job_title] has been cancelled.

Dear [Candidate_first_name],  I hope you’re doing well.

Unfortunately, I regret to inform you that your interview with [Client_company_name] for the position of [Job_title] has been cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances.[[Briefly mention why you’re cancelling and when/whether you are going to reach out again]

Apologies for this inconvenience again.  

Best wishes,

[Your name] [Signature]

Interview Reschedule Email

Email subject line:  [Candidate_first_name]; apologies in advance! We’ll need to reschedule your interview.

Dear [Candidate_first_name], How are you doing? 

I would like to let you know that, unfortunately, we need to reschedule our interview for the [Job_title] position that we had arranged for [date and time]. [Shortly mention why you’re rescheduling]. 

So, could we reschedule it? Let me know if that works for you or if you would prefer another date or time this week.  Please accept my sincerest apologies for any inconvenience.

Here’s the updated meeting link [Provide the link]. 

Do this date and time work for you?  

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 

Best wishes,  

[Your_name] [Signature]

4. Cold Recruiting Email Templates to Send Job offer 

Sample offer letter format: Formal job offer

Email subject line: Job offer from [Company_name].

Dear [Candidate_first_name], I hope you’re doing well. 

We’re happy to extend this offer of employment for the position of [Job_title] with [Company_name]. We would request that you please review this overview of terms and conditions for your anticipated employment with us.

If you accept this offer, your start date will be [Start Date], or another mutually agreed upon date, and you will have to report to [Manager_name]. In the meantime, if you have any questions, then please feel free to contact me or [Manager_name] via email or phone at [provide contact details].  We are all looking forward to having you on our team.

Best regards,  

[Your name] [Signature]

Informal job offer email: Job Offer Email Template

Email subject line: Job offer from [Company_name].

Hello, [Candidate_first_name]; I hope you’re doing well. 

We are delighted to offer you a job as a [position title] at [company name]. We believe that your experience and skills will be valuable assets to our ever-growing company.

If you accept this offer, you will be eligible for the following in accordance with our company’s policies [Mention the perks and benefits]. 

To accept this job offer, sign and date this letter as shown below and email it back to us by [end date].  Your expected hire date will be the [mention the date]. Your immediate supervisor will be [mention supervisor’s name].

We look forward to welcoming you to our team. 

Feel free to call [recruiter’s name]  if you have any questions or concerns. 


[Sender Name] [Signature]

Salary negotiation email

Email subject line:  Dear [Candidate_name], Job Offer from [Company_name] 

Hello, [Candidate_first_name],

We are delighted that you’re considering our job offer for the [Job_title] position. Also, we’ve discussed your requests with the Head of [e.g. Engineering] department and our Finance team, and we’ve decided to extend our initial offer with the following:

  • A [e.g. 7.5%] boost in the yearly compensation to a recent [mention the new salary] salary. 

  • A signing bonus of $X.  

  • Work from home two days per week

  • Commute reimbursement.  

  • Re-negotiate compensation and benefits package after an early performance review [e.g. 6 months after the start date]. 

Kindly consider the above offer and reply by [date.] In the meantime, if you do have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [provide contact details.]  

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your name] [Signature]

Pay Increase Email Template in Internal Recruitment

Email subject line: Your new salary  

Hello, [Employee_name],  

I would like to ensure the [12%] salary raise we have discussed. This brings your yearly gross salary from [$x] to [$y]. Your wages will be officially updated on [mention the date & Month], so you’ll see the boost on your [Mention the month] paycheck.

Here, I am attaching your new employment contract with the updated salary – kindly read and review it, sign it and send it to HR. Thank you for all your hard work.

Keep it up!

Best regards,

[Your name] [Signature]

5. Cold Recruiting Email Templates for Candidate Rejection 


Job application rejection email template

Dear [Candidate_first_name],

I hope you are doing well. Thank you for applying for the [Job_title] role at [Company_name].

Our team has reviewed your application, and we realised that you don’t meet the criteria we require for the [job_title]. We encourage you to apply again in the future if you see an open position at our company that suits you.

Thank you again for applying to [Company_name], and we wish you all the very best in your job search.  


[Your name] [Your email signature].

Interview feedback email

Email subject Line: Your application to [Company_name] for the [Job_title] position

Dear [Candidate_first_name], 

Thank you for taking the time to apply to [Company_name]. We want to inform you that we have decided to move forward with a different candidate for the [Job_title] position.  

Although our team was impressed with your [in-person communication/experience in X tool], we are looking for someone who [has more experience in Y tool / can take full responsibility for our sales goals / has native-level speaking abilities in Dutch.]

However, now that we have had the opportunity to know more about you, we will keep your resume for future openings that suit your qualifications. If you think you qualify for an open position in the future and you would like to apply, please feel free to reach out.

Thanks again for your interest in [Company_name], and best of luck with your job search.  

Kind regards,  

[Your name] [Signature]

Candidate rejection email template

Email subject line: [Candidate_first_name], we are terribly sorry... 

Dear [Candidate_first_name], I Hope all is well. 

Thank you for applying for the [Job_title] role at [Company_name]. I regret to inform you that, unfortunately, you haven’t been selected for the role of [Job_title] at [Client_company_name]. However, this doesn’t mean you give up.

Here I am mentioning three (3) main reasons why you were rejected; please take this feedback to improve. [Mention the reasons].

  • You did not possess related skills to what the employer was seeking. 

  • Lack of research for the job role.  

  • A relatively poor performance during the job interview. 

Since [Job_requirement] is essential for you to be able to perform your daily duties as a [Job_title], we were unable to shortlist you for our next round.  

Feel free to reach out to us for any additional queries. 

All the best with your job search!  

Kind regards,

[Your_name] [Signature]

Final Thought on Recruiting Email Templates

In conclusion, writing effective recruiting email templates can greatly improve your hiring process and help you reach top talent more efficiently. So, recruiters want to stand out when sending cold recruiting emails to potential candidates. By using well-crafted templates, you can save time, maintain consistency in your messaging, and increase the likelihood of getting a response from potential candidates. 

In addition, Creating cold recruiting emails to the applicants offers an amazing opportunity to build relationships, nurture talent, and build a strong talent pipeline for future requirements. 

Hence, it is incredibly important while writing recruitment emails to personalise when possible, maintain your employer brand, be concise, use plain language, and have a clear call to action. These small actionable tips will increase your open rate and candidate engagement ratio. With the tips and a solid set of templates mentioned in this blog, you'll be well on your way to building a strong talent pipeline for your organisation.

Happy writing email templates that win candidates!

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