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8 Effective Ways that Makes Employees Happy at the Workplace


| Last Updated: Mar 06, 2025

What Have We Covered?

Employee's happiness becomes graver than ever. If you are seeking methods and ways to make employees happy in the workplace, then don't skip this blog. Check out this blog to learn how to set up an effective environment in a company. Moreover, how to inflate employees' happiness by knowing what makes employees happy at work.

What is happiness?... It is a word that is used to describe a range of positive emotions that include joy, pride, contentment, and gratitude. It is also the feeling of satisfaction that you feel on your own.

10 employee recognition ideas blog

Employee happiness is a huge deal for a company, and also it is the backbone of productivity. The contribution of happy employees is more than the contribution of unhappy employees at the workplace; these types of employees are also known as productive employees and unproductive employees.  Companies with happy employees outperform the competition by 20 per cent. (Source)

Happy employees vs competition

Why Should Adopt the Employee's Happiness Ideas?

Studies have shown that happy and motivated team members are more determined to achieve their goals. Happy employees are entirely the benefits package for the business. Here we have mentioned the reason why employers should adopt the employee's happiness ideas.

  • Happy employees are more productive:- Employee happiness is correlated with inferior absenteeism, stress and burnout. When employees are happy, they focus more on work instead of thinking unnecessary things. And, they become enthusiastic about taking on challenges. Happy employees are 12 per cent more productive.
happy employees are productive employees
  • Happy employees are better leaders:- They turn into the stronger person, less risk-averse and easily rally from the failures.

  • Happy employees are more creative: Happy employees are less concerned or stressed about day-to-day work. Thus, they eventually think out of the box. 

  • Happy employees are better team players:- Employee's happiness is strongly associated with their nature. The more they feel good, they will help others and comfort the team's major issues.
  • The sad worker quit:- When the workplace is unhealthy and unhappy, employees prefer to leave the job for the new. And, this affects the other two factors: retention rate and turnover rate. 

What Makes Employees Happy at Work?

The success of any business can't be achieved by only focusing on customers' needs. Businesses should value their employees and ensure they are happy employees. Thus, to boost the productivity of employees here, we come to the top 8 employees' happiness ideas. 

We are going to discuss the best ways to increase the happiness of employees in the workplace.

#1: Show appreciation

It is the most useful and important way to increase the happiness of employees. "Treat your people like people". 

When you appreciate your employees for his/her work at that time, the confidence level of the employee becomes higher, and they feel motivated. You can appreciate employees in different ways like instant appreciation after the work is done and guess what it costs- nothing, give them awards for their contribution to work, organize an event for them, send them personal messages, etc.

It is not that you should only appreciate them for their work only, but also appreciate them for other things like for their behaviour, for their own timing nature, etc.

#2: Take their feedback/suggestions

In every company, many decisions are made. Involve your employees in that process by taking their point of view. Take your employees' suggestions or feedback regarding some important decisions or topics; this gesture makes them feel important and makes them valuable assets in their own eyes too.

This is the easiest way to increase the happiness of your employees by giving them importance. Employees who feel their voice is heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work. (Source)

Employee feels happy when they heard by the team leader

#3: Always wear a smile at the workplace

Whenever you talk with anyone at the workplace, always talk with a smile. Many publishers proved that "smiling can make people happier". Smile is a sign of positivity. Leaders should always smile in front of their employees. It creates a good impact on them. Actually, you are giving your smile to them, which makes them happy and motivated. Your one smile can make their day.

#4: Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation decreases the number of conflicts in the workplace. It leads to happier employees. Mindfulness meditation at the workplace can decrease the stress of employees and increase their focus on work. When employees are stress-free they feel happy.

There are different ways through which you can provide mindfulness meditation to your employees at the workplace. Give employees meditation breaks every day, Play waterfall sound for a few minutes, which makes them feel fully relaxed, breathing meditation is the best and most effective meditation, etc.

#5: Enjoyable working atmosphere

The working atmosphere plays a vital role which affects employees' nature. Creating an enjoyable atmosphere at the workplace spreads happiness among employees. A working atmosphere where people feel comfortable talking and laughing together naturally improves the happiness of employees.

If employees feel comfortable, then they can easily share their ideas with others and improve productivity. Don't stress them for work; let them do the work as a fun activity.  If an employee makes any mistake, accept that and try to give them guidance instead of pointing out their mistake again and again. Make them feel like a family member communicate with them clearly and be transparent.

Employees who report being happy at work take 10X fewer sick days compared to unhappy employees.

Happy employees take less sick leaves

#6: Provide flexibility in working hours

Flexible working hours make employees happier because, through this, they can make a balance between their professional lives and personal lives. Flexible working schedules make them less stressed, and they can spend time with their family and also get enough sleep. When employees feel refreshed, they are much happier to come to work.

As we know, everyone has their own personal schedule, for example, one employee can easily get up in the morning, but that is not easy for any other employee, so flexible working hours also help the employees to maintain their personal schedule which creates the happiness inside them. 77% of employees feel that flexible working aids productivity

Flexible work schedule make employees happy

#7: Organized some fun activity

Extra activities like day celebrations, and sports days which include indoor and outdoor games like triathlon competitions, picnics with all teams, festivals, etc. refresh employees and also give them a boost.

These are the best team-building exercises that make employees happier. Team building games are the best way to connect the team; there are many games like truth and lie, laughing game, name the song, the statue game, etc. are easily played at the workplace.

#8: Soft skill training

"Alone we are smart; together we are brilliant". Soft skill is the personal attribute that shows how efficiently you can work with other team members. Soft skill makes it possible to form relationships between employees and make them trust each other. It makes team-building easier.

There are many soft skills that companies can train their employees for like strong communication, interpersonal skills, etc. It may be verbal or written, leadership, analytical thinking, conflict resolution, etc. If an employee has a soft skill, he/she can work with any team without any conflict which makes him/her happy obviously.

how to build soft skills at workplace

Final Words about Employees' Happiness Ideas

There are many more ways through which companies can make their employees happy. The growth of any company totally depends upon the employees of that company. If the employees are happy, then they become more creative and give maximum contribution toward their work. At last, the key to increasing productivity is the happiness of employees.

About the Author

Amit Ghodasara is the CEO of iSmartRecruit, leading the charge in HR technology. With years of experience in recruitment, he focuses on developing solutions that optimize the hiring process. Amit is passionate about empowering recruiters to achieve success with innovative, user-friendly software.

You can find Amit Ghodasara's on here.

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